Saturday, September 22, 2007

Long time no blog

Okay so it has been a reeeaallllllllllllly long time since I have posted to my blog but here I am with an update of the lives of the members of the Shoe family. We have been pretty busy with school, soccer, breathing, eating, sleeping, and you know living. School started and everything has gone pretty well. There is nothing to interesting to tell about the school thing. Soccer has been good too. There is also nothing to interesting to tell about that either.
One thing we have done recently was camping with the whole Friesen family over Labor Day weekend. We do this every year and it is so much fun. We just sit around for 3 or 4 days and eat and play games. It really is the best time, as a matter of fact it is such a great time that it is starting to spread to non-Friesen people. We have added a couple people to our group who are not of Friesen descent. That is right the excitement is starting to sweep the nation and soon we may have the whole continent of North America wanting in on what is going on with our AWESOME little family get together. But to those of you who are reading this and are thinking wow I would really like to get in on that you should know that there are very high requirements to get in on this great and wonderful event. These requirements are a family secret kept in a vault and only a very select few are able to acess it and most of those people are dead and the others don't know who they are, so good luck on getting in. Since most of you will not be able to join us because of previously mentioned reasons I would like to let you know about some of the great things that go on during our wonderful weekend. The days go like this. Wake up eat play games eat play games eat swim if it is hot enough eat eat again then eat supper, play games and continue eating until bedtime. It is so great there is also a time when some crazy people go and do a little karaoke and it is usuall pretty funny but this year two of my sisters and two of my cousins sang this song and they were pretty great I think they might be starting thier own group soon, well maybe not but for karaoke and compared to most of what I heard that night they were the best ones. Well enough about the camping thing and on to another subject.
Last night Adam and I went to a Gaither Homecoming concert. It was pretty good and we got to watch the concert in two very different ways. We sat up high for the first part of the concert and for me that was sort of scary because I have this thing about not liking up high places. I just sat back in my seat and tried not to look down. I just watched the screen, also it kind of helped when the lights went down. At intermission Adam called my brother in-law T.J. Wright (he was once a part of a very famous singing group called Four His Glory) and he told us about these two empty seats right behind them. He told us we could come on down and sit there for the rest of the concert. Well I didn't have to be told twice. I was pretty sure that once I left my seat way up high I wasn't going to want to face climbing back down to get to my seat again so I said YES to Adam who was talking to T.J. and started to head towards a much closer to the ground seat. So we were able to watch the rest of the concert from the third row. We went from watching two inch tall people singing on stage to basically being able to see their nose hairs in a matter of minutes. I would say it is pretty great being related to such a famous person who could get us in to such great seats. It was pretty cool to be able to experience the concert from two very different veiwpoints. Well I think I have gone on long enough now so I will quit but hopefully be back to update all of you on what is going on. See Ya

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Iowa State Fair and an answer to a very silly question
Last week we as a family went to the Iowa State Fair. While we were there we went to the animal barns to see you guessed it animals. We saw horses, cows, sheep, chickens, some other animals and pigs. Specifically we saw the Big Boar, now this was a really big pig and as you can imagine everything on the pig was big. After the animal barns Adam and his dad took all the kids but Allison to go on a ride. So the girls went to see the butter cow and pretty flowers and the guys and kids went on a ride. Well we were seperated for more than an hour and doing our own thing. I just assumed that the whole time we were seperate that the kids were going on the one ride of thier choice and that is why it took so long. I found out later that they all went on Ye Olde Mill together so they had time to go looking at other things. ---Hang on i'm getting to the point of the story. ----- So I being very faired out by this time didn't even think to ask what the guys had been doing the whole time, we just went on and did a few more things at the fair and then we went home. This was on Thursday and on Friday I jamie and the kids went up to my sister stephanie's house for the weekend. Well i forget what meal it was but we were all sitting around eating and the kids started telling us about what they saw at the fair. Caleb and Cole started talking about how they got to see twin baby goats being born. They went on to explain in detail how the man stuck his arm up the goats "butt" and pulled to baby out and the blood and slime and such. By now I am very interested because this is all stuff that I totally missed out on and didn't think to ask about while we were at the fair, and the men being good detail oriented men (if you know what I mean) also left this information out and so I am asking questions. Then Elaina says "I held a baby pig and it peed on me." Now I am thinking are these guys making this stuff up because this by far has got to be the most interesting thing that happened at the fair and I missed it all. Well I ask some more questions and I hear about the baby chicks and we are into this conversation and Allison who remember was with me missing all of this excitement chimes in. I SAW A REALLY BIG PIG WITH BOOBS ON IT'S BUTT. I guess she was thinking about what she could contribute to this conversation and just blurts this out. Now remember how we had seen the Big Boar? Well I was there for that and I remember Allison wondering about those huge things hanging off the back off this really big pig. I guess she was still thinking about it and that is what she thought they were. Because this was truly so funny just right out of nowhere my three year old comes up with this, We just started laughing not realizing that Allison was perfectly serious and she started crying because she thought we were laughing at her not her comment, she didn't understand.
I just thought I would share this little story because I thought it was hilarious.
O.K. to answer the so very absurd question about the shoes that you comment makers seem so interested in. I don't even know how to answer. Maybe I will tell you that we all just wear one shoe and hop around everywhere on one foot so that is why 7 shoes. But I think you all have actually seen us and know that is not true. Besides something as strange as that surely would have made the news somewhere don't you think? Actually the reason for seven shoes is too personal and complicated to explain so I cannot answer the question. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Friday, August 10, 2007

First Time Blogger

Since this is my first time blogging I will just tell a little about why I am doing this blog. My sister and brother-in-law have an awesome blog and I just wanted to be just like them. Yeah right hahahahaha. Well maybe I wanted to be a little like them just the smallest amount you know the smallest you can get. I don't want them to get a big head or anything.

So here I am telling you about my day. I decided to drive up to Minnesota to see my sis and bro Steph and T.J. (you can check out thier blog at ( live in Owatonna. My sister Nicole who just turned 30 on the 5th of August is having a suprise party tommorrow. Shhhh she doesn't know about it don't tell her. I came up for that and of course my kids did too but the hubby went to visit his brother this weekend. By the way I was never nor never will be an English major so this will not pass any english test or anything. Who cares nobody talks right anyway am I right or what.

O.K. so I am kind of training for this half marathon in October. This is a big deal I am almost 32 now and I thought it was time to do something new and exciting. So I said run, yeah I know most people think I am crazy but after five kids everyone pretty much thought that anyway.

Well if anyone cares at all about my idiotic ramblings I will be posting again sometime soon, hopefully with something cute the kids said or did or something cute Adam said or did. You know how darned cute those husbands can be don't ya?
