Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today I had the best Mother's Day. It actually started a few days ago when I got my present from my kids. They bought me two chairs and an end table to put on the front porch. I have a pond right out front and I like to sit out there and listen to the water run into the pond. During school I study out there and if I am not studying then I just sit out there and maybe read and keep and eye on the kids. Today I woke up and my kids all came into my room each with a little gift or card that they had made. They lined up youngest to oldest and that is how they gave me the gifts. Each one had written a little something about how they feel about me being their mother. I was pretty impressed because they each wrote something very unique, not just your typical thing. They were all excited especially the younger ones. It made me feel good. Sometimes I don't feel like the greatest mom but it just goes to show you that kids are pretty forgiving and they love you even when you mess up. So the day was great. After church we went for lunch and then we came home and played bean bag toss and croquet. Now that the kids are all a little older I am really enjoying being able to do things like this with them. All of that hard work when they were very little is starting to pay off. I really love my kids. They truly are great.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So here I am again many days after I planted my seeds. I now have beans, peas, cucumber, and tomato plants all growing. The pepper plants I planted have finally started to grow and I am not sure if they will be big enough to plant anytime soon. I might have to buy them from the greenhouse but hopefully not. I am planning on planting my garden sometime this week. I have decided to plant strawberry plants this year and hopefully I will get the grapes started that I have been thinking about. I think I will take some pictures of the garden as it grows just so at least I can look back and see everything as it grew. I will add some pictures later. That is it for now. Hopefully I will be able to post again soon with something a little more exciting.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Planting Time

Okay so I am supposed to be studying right now for my Biology test tomorrow. I decided to take a break and blog something since I have not been on here for a while.
I have always thought about going out an getting those indoor plant starter kits but have never done it. This is just my third year of having a garden and I thought that since it took so long to actually harvest anything last year that I would get an early start this year and hopefully be able to enjoy some garden goodies a little earlier this summer. I went to Menards today and bought a bunch of seeds and a couple of those plastic containers that have the individual sections for planting. I am trying something for the very first time. I have planted some tomato plants from seed and am hoping to grow my own plants instead of buying from a greenhouse. If I can do this it will save me quite a bit of money. I also planted my pepper plants and I usually buy these already grown. I was able to plant forty tomato plants for the price of about six already started plants from the greenhouse. So this is day one and the seed packets say that it takes about 7-10 days for the seeds to sprout. I am going to try to keep track on this blog how all of this goes. This will give me a reason to get on here and it will give me a journal to help me keep track of how things go so I can look back at it next year and see what I did well and what I can change to make it better. So my goal this year is to can even more stuff than last year. I would like to can more pizza sauce. Tomato juice, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce and more salsa. I think I would also like to have some strawberries so I can maybe make my own jam from my own berries instead of getting them from the store.
You know when I was a kid and I had to help my mom weed the garden or pick the beans and peas I really didn't like it very much. Now that I am an adult and have my own garden I am really enjoying this gardening thing. My kids even get kind of excited about it at least until they have to go out and weed in the middle of July that is. I guess I really don't enjoy that either but the good things outweigh the bad stuff. It is so great to be able to go down to the basement and pull out a can of homeade salsa or tomato juice and know exactly where it came from and what is in it.
Okay so again this is day one and hopefully in not too many days I will be able to post some pictures of my little growing plants.
I have 40 tomato plants, jalapeno, bell peppers, beans, peas, watermelon, cucumber, and I will also plant garlic, cilantro, onions, carrots, and pumpkins for the kids to have at halloween. That is the plan for now anyway. I will be back.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

That's not "Fair"

Okay so you know all of those crazy things your parents said when you were young and swore you would never say to your kids? Well I am way past that I have had kids long enough that I have probably exhausted the list of things I thought I would never say to my kids. Many of these things are very familiar and you hear them all the time. Things such as "if you don't stop crying i will give you something to cry about" (which i do not say) or "don't make me pull this car over", or how about "clean up this pig sty" "close the door. were you born in a barn" you get it..
So one of those things I didn't necessarily vow to never say, but rather I just thought it was kind of dumb whenever my mom would say is....... kids says "that's not fair" and mom says "no the Fair is in August" ha ha really funny huh? Yeah I didn't think so. Well I do say this sometimes even though I still think it is kind of dumb. I think that it is like saying to your kid you are being ridiculous of course it is not fair. Life isn't fair. Anyone who lives past one year should be able to realize this.
So tonight our whole family went to Pizza Hut. There was this family sitting behind us and one of the kids said something wasn't fair and her Aunt said "I thought the fair was in August. Didn't we go to the fair together in August?" Well I heard it and Adam said to me "Did you just hear that?" right when I was like hmm someone else actually says this to kids. I immediately thought how weird it was to hear someone else say this and I also thought "I like this person they must have a level head on their shoulders." Hee hee

Friday, February 5, 2010

Finally Friday

This week I had tests in all of my classes. On tuesday I had a Chemistry test, and today I had two biology tests. My biology classes are one right after the other, so obviously I took two tests in a row. This was sooo much fun. Why does it seem like professors scheme together to bunch up tests all in the same week? I am pretty sure it is some kind of conspiracy to see how many students they can get to break down. Let me just say that taking two biology tests in a row is no fun at all. I am pretty sure that my head came as close to exploding as it has ever been. Why do tests have to be so much pressure?
So now I have a weekend with very little to study. Yeah!!
Yeah for Friday. Yeah for the weekend.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

MMMM Apple Gum

I got this new gum yesterday. I was checking out at the store and I saw this gum by trident with layers. It is green apple and pineapple flavored. I love green apple flavored things so I thought I would give it a try. I decided to try some right away when I got to the car. I popped it in my mouth and WOW it was soooo good. This gum is sweet and juicy and just down right yummy. As I was chewing it I was thinking that I wished it was actually food because I would just like to eat it. I can without a doubt say that this is the best gum I have ever had. I know, Iknow anyone reading this surely will think I am crazy. But I say if you like green apple you will not be disappointed.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

blogging my day

Okay so I haven't been able to get on here to blog as often as I was intending. My sister says that blogging just isn't for me. So I am sitting here blogging instead of studying for my two biology tests that I have coming up on Friday.
You know I just don't really ever know quite what to write so I guess I will just write about my day and if something is interesting obviously I will add that in.
I had my first Chemistry test today and I think I did okay. I think it is the best test Ihave taken in Chemistry for a very long time. My prof. likes to give us tests on lab days so I also had lab. We reacted sodium metal with different alcohols. Once we were done with that it was time to dispose of the sodium and alcohol. My professor told my lab partner to take the reacted sodium metal and put it in some water to get rid of any tiny little bit of sodium that may be still unreacted. So she did a little hesitantly. At first there was nothing so I went over to look and all of a sudden there was a pop and some steam shot up out of the beaker. It made me jump because we had been told what could happen if you were to add too much of the sodium metal to water at a time. Anyway I turned around to empty a couple of test tubes into the hazardous waste bucket and about 3 seconds later the beaker was on fire. There was a flame filling the width of the beaker and going a couple of inches above the top of the beaker. This was not supposed to happen although it is what can happen. I guess that there was more of that sodium metal in there than our professor thought. It was pretty cool.
It is kind of funny because I was just thinking earlier in the lab period that no one has ever really started anything on fire or made anything explode. And then it happened right in my very own group. So that was my exciting moment for the day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Year, New Blog

So I got a guitar for Christmas and I purchased a lesson book yesterday. So I thought that I would give it a try. It came with a DVD to help with the teaching. I spent about and hour last night tuning and learning some basics. I learned three cords A, G, and D.
You know I always thought that it looked kind of easy to play the guitar when I watched others doing it. I figured that if I could just learn the cords I would be able to play no problem. Those ideas ended last night after a short time. First of all the way you have to hold your fingers to press on the cords is very awkward. It is hard to press down just one string without pressing on another. Then there is strumming depending on the type of music you are playing. And transitions. And there is the pain. Those strings are rough. My first finger feels like it went through a meat grinder. Never the less I did play those three cords last night and it was very exciting. My goal this year is to become a good guitar player. Hopefully by the end of the year I will have callouses on my fingers and I will be able to play great. Let's see if I can do it.
The spring semester has started and so far so good. It seems like this semester will not be quite as time consuming as last semester.
Today I had Chem Lab and there is a new girl who is one of my lab partners. I had her get a thermometer. Well this girl didn't know that there was a crack on the bottom of the hood just perfectly sized for a thermometer to get lodged into. So of course she set the thermometer into the hood so it rolled down into the crack. Well it fell on the ground and the thing broke and of course mercury everywhere. Well maybe not everywhere but it was in front of the hood we were working in. This is the first time I have ever broken anything in lab although it wasn't really my fault but it was within my group. Oh well I guess it could have been worse. I know because my Chem prof. has told some pretty disturbing stories about lab accidents. Other than that the whole experiment went pretty well it just took a little longer.
Okay that is all, not real exciting but I am going to try to post at least once a week or so. That is all.