Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Today I had the best Mother's Day. It actually started a few days ago when I got my present from my kids. They bought me two chairs and an end table to put on the front porch. I have a pond right out front and I like to sit out there and listen to the water run into the pond. During school I study out there and if I am not studying then I just sit out there and maybe read and keep and eye on the kids. Today I woke up and my kids all came into my room each with a little gift or card that they had made. They lined up youngest to oldest and that is how they gave me the gifts. Each one had written a little something about how they feel about me being their mother. I was pretty impressed because they each wrote something very unique, not just your typical thing. They were all excited especially the younger ones. It made me feel good. Sometimes I don't feel like the greatest mom but it just goes to show you that kids are pretty forgiving and they love you even when you mess up. So the day was great. After church we went for lunch and then we came home and played bean bag toss and croquet. Now that the kids are all a little older I am really enjoying being able to do things like this with them. All of that hard work when they were very little is starting to pay off. I really love my kids. They truly are great.

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